Birthday Blessings 2024: A (BDSM) Year in Review


Here! We! Go! I have completed yet another trip around the sun and wow so much has happened since then. This year began with my birthday funeral and ended with one of the most vibrant karaoke parties i’ve ever been to. Death gave way to a lot of life this year, and I’m appreciative of all of it. Here’s what I accomplished this year.

This year, I

  • Opened my own dungeon, from which I type this very post. Having my own space has been such a dream of mine for so long, and to be honest the reality of owning it is even better than the fantasy. I’ve been able to play in a more relaxed capacity without having to clock watch, with ample time to get ready and prepare for every scene. There’s also such a quite peace I have in taking care of a space I’ve bought and built. I’m excited to continue making and revealing the spirit of this space through all the scenes I perform here.

  • As a result of the space, have been doing so many more extended scenes! 5 hour scenes! 8 hour scenes! Overnights! And they’ve all been an absolute blast. There is actually so much pleasure in getting to experiment with someone’s body for hours and hours and then cuddling with them and coming down with sushi delivery, or falling asleep peacefully while the sissy maid toils for hours right outside your bedroom door. I’ve been having an amazing time with these extended scenes and I want to do so many more.

  • made more money than I ever made (i know i say this every year. it is true every year), which allowed me to be a generous as i want to be loved ones and organizations i wanted to support. Found a work/life ratio that works extremely well for me.

  • fathered a wound, ate flesh. will not be speaking more about this.

  • threw a 3 day sex worker performance intensive with Veil Machine. I’m so excited for us to continue the work we discovered there.

  • Ran a fisting train out of a photobooth in the back of a bar at an afterparty of my first Folsom

  • Spoke with the legendary Jill Carter at the closing of the Carter Johnson library at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

  • was invited to judge International Ms. Leather!

  • Fell deeply in love with my partners and friends and family, over and over and over again

This upcoming year, I

  • Am excited to build a stable of submissives who take care of my space with me. My fantasy? A rolodex of maids and houseboys available at a moments notice to scrub every inch. Service is truly such a HUGE love language for me, and a dedication to my vision is a dedication to me.

  • Would LOVE to go on a vacation with a submissive! Beach or city, it depends on what we each enjoy. But I would love to play hard and relax hard in back to back cycles over the course of a weekend (or longer).

  • Would love to travel to Asia this year, especially Shanghai, and to see what the kink scene i like in the Eastern hemisphere.

  • Want to continue institutional work, such as speaking at museums, universities, or academic conferences (I have 3 planned in the fall!); I would also love to start writing either on my own or in partnership.

  • Want to learn more/play more with non rope suspension! i am blessed with a gorgeous rig in my space, and i want to put it to its full use.

  • i! Want! To! Do! Gross! Things! Let me do things that feel edgy for me to even type!

  • And as always, MORE GROUP SCENES

Thank you so so much to everyone who made this birthday incredible, including my two partners, my service girl, my leather family, X, J, A, and the many many people who wished me a happy birthday. If you have not done so yet and would like to, you can send me a tribute here, or visit my wishlist.

I have such a belief in abundance because of how freely you all share your love and trust with me; I hope to do it justice. I can’t wait to manifest so much more this coming year.


Empress Wu <3

Empress Wu